
June 7, 2023

Tips for Enhancing Construction Site Safety

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that working in construction is a risky job. The chance for injury is significantly higher than many other professions due to the nature of working with power tools and heavy machinery. However, establishing better safety protocols is a huge step toward the safety of your employees. Here are a […]
May 24, 2023

What Type Of Insurance Should An Independent Contractor Carry?

No matter whether you have a specialty or offer general contracting services, it’s important to carry the right type of insurance to protect yourself and your business. There are several different policies and coverages available, but it can be hard to tell which ones are best for your business.  Common Coverages for Contractors  Some of […]
March 29, 2023

Insuring Your Contracting Business

Like any business, contractors have their own unique risks. Get the protection you need with the right insurance policies. Discuss the following (and additional) options with your independent insurance agent to build an appropriate insurance package for your business.  Property: Your business likely own physical assets. Protect these physical assets from damage, fire, weather incidents […]
February 17, 2023

Why Any Business Can Benefit from Cyber Liability Insurance

The digital sphere has become an indispensable part of the American economy, and nearly every modern business is online in some way, shape or form. However, as you compile digital information, you have to realize the sensitivity of the information in your care. It might not only include company information, but also customer and other […]
January 5, 2023

Who Needs Insurance in Your Non-Profit

Non-profits may not have a lot of money to spare in case they face any damages or liability claims. One way a non-profit can protect its reserve assets is through proper non-profit insurance. Non-profit insurance usually can protect products the organization produces, its business assets, and people associated with the cause.  It is a non-profits […]
December 27, 2022

Understanding How Children Qualify For Health Insurance

Childhood is one of the most important developmental periods of anyone’s life. Most children have specific medical needs. As such, you cannot understate the importance of health insurance for a dependent child.  When getting health insurance, children often qualify for coverage through several different avenues. Each avenue comes with unique qualifications and specifications. Based on […]
November 11, 2022

What Does Commercial Liability Insurance Cover?

While commercial property insurance may be fairly self-explanatory, many people are unfamiliar with commercial liability insurance. This type of coverage protects a business from the financial obligations associated with third party liability risks, such as if a guest gets injured on business property or by a business’ product. Commercial liability insurance can cover medical expenses, […]
September 23, 2022

Keeping Your Commercial Auto Insurance Costs Affordable

Businesses that own or operate vehicles need commercial auto insurance
June 27, 2022

How Long Do You Have to File a General Liability Claim?

Every business should have general liability as part of their insurance policy. This coverage provides compensation for bodily injury or physical damage you may directly or indirectly cause to someone else. It offers medical expense assistance as well as helps with legal expenses relating to lawsuits. General liability often comes in bundles, such as when […]
April 14, 2022

How is Non-Profit Insurance Different than Business Insurance?

Even if you’re providing free services to the needy, you’ll likely need nonprofit insurance. It’s important to maintain comprehensive liability coverage so that your non-profit is well-prepared to run smoothly in the event of a financial disaster.  In many ways, non-profit insurance coverage is similar to comprehensive business insurance coverage. A strong non-profit insurance plan […]